
Deja Vue 27

Please visit the old site here at ralphbarrat.com for contact info, images and media.
Meanwhile, here’s a YouTube clip….


3 April. 1-4pm Royal Coachman, Campbell River. Keys/Vocals with Grant McClellan – guitar.

7 April. 7pm Royal Coachman, Campbell River. Keys/Vocals with Anela & the Experimenters.

9 April. 3-630pm Charqui Grill, Vancouver. Crooning with Doug Louie and gang. Open mic at 5pm.

23 April. 730pm Little Red Church, Comox. Crooning with Ralph Barrat & the Sharp Seven.

29 April. 730pm Roy’s Towne Pub, Royston. Bluegrass & Beatlegrass with RNR.

14 May. 2-530pm Charqui Grill, Vancouver. Crooning with Doug Louie and gang. Also jam & open mic.

21 May. 4-8pm, Eagles, Campbell River. Jazz jam with Ralph Barrat Trio. Bring your axe! Tongue! What have you….

22 May. 1-4pm Royal Coachman, Campbell River. Keys/Vocals with Rick Husband.

5 June. 1-130pm Roy’s Towne Pub, Royston. Fundraiser for Ft. MacMurray. Bluegrass & Beatlegrass with RNR.

1 July. 1:30pm Canada Day Concert at Simms Park, Courtenay. Crooning with Ralph Barrat & the Sharp Seven.

30 July. 7pm Roy’s Towne Pub, Royston. Bluegrass & Beatlegrass with RNR.

26 August. 8-11pm Billy D’s Pub, Courtenay. Solo piano/vocals

18 September. 1-4pm Royal Coachman, Campbell River. Keys/Vocals with Rick Husband.

Fall 2016. Coral Princess, email me for dates.